FPSA Webinar Food Safety ShowCases: The use of external resources in training programs

October 28, 2021
Source: FPSA

Manufacturing plants are challenged in retaining employees, which can lead to challenges in maintaining skilled leaders and teams who can develop newer employees. Training programs are becoming more important, as companies look to continuously improve, but may not have the expertise or resources in-house to further employee development.

Many external resources exist for developing employees, and in this webinar, CFS Food Safety Specialist Cari Rasmussen will discuss how different training offerings can help improve the technical skills of your employees. CFS Global Training Manager Nicole Cammarata will provide insight to the vision of training in the future.

The modes of training that will be discussed include:

  1. Digital training platforms, which are either pre-recorded sessions that are watched or live video training.
  2. On-site (at the plant) training, which brings external resources to your facility for training specific teams.
  3. Off-site training at an external resource location.

These different training offerings each have their pros and cons. This session, now available on demand, helps you understand the benefits and limitations of each type of training and the end goal of the training for the employee(s). When you are deciding on which training to provide to your employees this is a webinar not to be missed.

Leading up to PROCESS EXPO, FPSA has lined up their Food Safety Network’s leaders on hot topics facing the food and beverage processing industry. A series of short online showcases (avg. 30 mins in content length) will address food safety topics relating to the plant-based meat industry, data, bakery plants, and the use of external resources in training programs. The latter, was presented by Cari and Nicole on October 28th, 2021, and is now available on demand. 


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