Training FAQs
Whether you’re thinking about registering or are already enrolled, find answers to common questions about training logistics and content to help you navigate your learning journey effectively.
Bring CFS training to your facility with professional workshops on sanitation, hygienic design, conveyor optimization, and more
The CFS Institute® has extended its in-person classroom training to a digital learning environment. Our content ranges from free video short courses covering various food safety topics, to in-depth modules included as part of our certification programs.
Interested? Explore our global training calendar. Check out our short course library or log on to CFS Institute and try the Hygienic Design Introduction module free.
Whether you’re thinking about registering or are already enrolled, find answers to common questions about training logistics and content to help you navigate your learning journey effectively.
How dedicated training sessions can close the gap between technical and cultural progress.
Turning to outside training can alleviate the burden on bakeries to develop a curriculum and expend resources to run trainings for employees.
Insights into how bakeries tap external resources to enhance internal training programs and achieve training goals.