As a Food Safety Specialist with Commercial Food Sanitation (CFS), Karin partners with food processors in their food safety journey, particularly in driving sanitation and hygienic design improvements. Nineteen years working with food processors and equipment manufacturers in all food segments has afforded her a unique perspective when helping the food industry. Karin is passionate about training and continuous improvement. She believes these always go hand in hand to make a positive change in food safety culture. At CFS, Karin is the Lead for the Bakery and Snacks (B&S) industry in the ANZ region.
Karin is an active member of the European Hygienic Engineering and Design Group (EHEDG), participated in several guideline sub-groups, and is now a board member for EHEDG Australia. Karin shares her passion for food safety as a columnist for "Food Processing Vakblad."
In 2018, Karin and her family relocated from Amsterdam to Sydney to support the food industry in Australia, New Zealand, and Southeast Asia.