Sanitation Saver: Cursory post-sanitation inspections will overlook many details; examine equipment closely before signing off and releasing to production.
Post-sanitation inspections need to be done thoroughly and with an eye for detail to be successful. Closely examine the equipment or infrastructure, re-clean and swab as required before signing off. You will be surprised how much a flashlight can help you to get to a better level of cleanliness.
Execute post-sanitation inspections closely with a flashlight before signing off.
CFS Food Safety Specialists spend a lot of time in food manufacturing plants. Therefore we believe we can provide valuable insight into sanitation practices.
A recurring challenge in your plant? An “if only we would do this” in your production area? Let us know if we can help you start the conversation and navigate the change in this #SanitationSaver video series, We’re here to help.